Free Guide:
​16 Social Media Mistakes that are hurting your brand.



In this guide, you will learn:

βœ…Social media mistakes that are overlooked by most businesses, personal brands and DIYers.

βœ…And how to fix these mistakes.

Wondering why your website is not getting enough traffic?

We all know that social media marketing isn’t just about posting content or creating fancy ad campaigns. Your social media profile is one of the first touchpoints and experiences customers have with your business, so you need to make sure that you’re creating a powerful first impression.

Who am I to be sharing this valuable information with you?

Hi, I am Manisha Verma and as a social media marketing consultant for large and small businesses, even startups for about ten years in the Silicon Valley, I have compiled a list of practices that I have noticed and observed some businesses make on social media. Most of these mistakes when acknowledged and fixed have helped create quality brand growth for my clients and increased their ROI by 12%.

βœ…Need social media consulting or 1:1 coaching? Book a discovery call with me to assess your needs.

βœ…Follow me on Instagram to be connected with other DIYers and small businesses.


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